Every wonder why teaching estimation is important? Learn how estimation and number sense go hand in hand.
Learn how to create a classroom filled with excitement around math, one where kids are eager to share and talk about their ideas.
Math and arithmetic are often used interchangeably. But there’s a difference between arithmetic and mathematics. And it impacts our practices in the classroom.
Word problems, or number stories as I call them, can be hard. But they necessary and have tons of benefits for your students.
Visual representations are important at all levels of mathematics. They help students see the math. And when we can visualize what’s happening within a problem, it helps us understand abstract concepts.
We know that mathematically proficient students engage in the practice standards consistently. Learn how all 8 are embedded into SoE.
“Make sense of problems and persevere in solving them” is the first of the 8 Standards for Mathematical Practice. Comprehension of word problems is also one of the most baffling tasks for teachers and students. A Quick Refresher In the last couple weeks, we explored two structures: Parts Equal Total and Repeated Equal Groups. Parts […]