Tired of watching your students struggle with number stories?

There’s a PD for that.

If you’re a K-3 math teacher and want your students to…

  • Persevere through problem-solving
  • Comprehend what’s being asked
  • Know which operations to use 
  • Visualize what’s happening

You've tried everything.

…and you’re ready to put in the work to make it happen, Structures of Equality is what you’ve been looking for.

Your kids groan when they see a story problem. Or they give up before they even start.

You’ve been told that key words and tricks don’t work. But no one told you what to replace them with. 

SoE 101: The Basics

In this PD, you’ll learn about the foundations of the 3 structures. 

You’ll explore the math main idea, learn what types of problems lend themselves to each structure, and understand the essential components students must include in their visual representations.

Join me for a 90-minute virtual session. 


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SoE: On Your Way*

This PD is for those of you who have dipped your toes into the structures and are ready to dive a little deeper.

You’ll learn how to engage your students in rich discussions around the context of number stories and begin to internalize the structures.

Join me for a ½ day virtual session. 

Already took 101 and you’re ready for more?

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*SoE 101: The Basics is a required prerequisite for this course.

SoE: A Deep Dive*

This PD is designed for teachers who have been implementing SoE. You feel comfortable teaching them and your students are beginning to need less guidance from you. But you need a few more tools in your belt to support all students.

Join me for a ½ day virtual or full day in-person session. 

Ready for an in-depth exploration of the structures?

Join the waitlist

*SoE 101 & SoE: On Your Way are required prerequisites for this course.

“Kids actually understand what the problem is asking them to do."

- Stacy Eleczko, M.Ed, Math Consultant & Instructional Coach

"SoEs combine all of the most effective strategies into one simple structure so students can understand story problems. Once kids have learned the structures, they don’t just pull out numbers and randomly pick an operation or get discouraged and give up. With SoEs, you see light bulb moments. Kids actually understand what the problem is asking them to do."

Interested in becoming an SoE trainer?

If you want to help me bring my vision to life of classrooms everywhere using SoE, consider becoming a trainer. To be eligible, you would complete all the courses above along with a few other requirements.

Details coming soon!