Jasmin, a 4th grade teacher from Durham, NC, shares the highs and lows with implementing Structures of Equality in her classroom. You don’t want to miss this interview.
The idea of acting out a story problem is probably not new to you. For years, I’ve heard people say “Act it out.” But no one ever told me how to solve a story problem this way. Today, we’ll talk about how to use this strategy effectively and how to connect it to the use […]
It’s that time of year. If you haven’t already heard people talking about end-of-the-year standardized tests and math test prep, those conversations will be picking up soon. The most common question I hear is “How can I get my kids ready for the test?” Today we’ll talk about some effective strategies to make sure your […]
What is subitizing? Have you ever noticed how quickly you can recognize the number of fingers someone is holding up? Or how many dots there are on a die? That’s subitizing (soo-bi-tiz-ing)! And it’s a critical foundational skill. This blog will cover everything you need to know about what it is, why it’s important, practical tips […]
Before we ever ask students to solve number stories, there are foundational skills they should have. The critical learning phases can help us identify when they’re ready.
Math and arithmetic are often used interchangeably. But there’s a difference between arithmetic and mathematics. And it impacts our practices in the classroom.
Comprehending number stories can be challenging. For students who are ELL, there’s an added layer of difficulty. But there are strategies that help.
Finding the math main idea of a number story is an important part of helping students understand what problems are asking.
Often it’s not a student’s ability or skill that holds them back. Fixed mindsets are prevalent and they can be really harmful. Learn how to instill a growth mindset.
The idea of unit is foundational to math. Learn why they’re also critical to comprehension of number stories.
Word problems, or number stories as I call them, can be hard. But they necessary and have tons of benefits for your students.
Visual representations are important at all levels of mathematics. They help students see the math. And when we can visualize what’s happening within a problem, it helps us understand abstract concepts.