Learn strategies to support multilingual learners in math by building on prior knowledge, fostering discussion-rich classrooms, and making vocabulary accessible.
Math misconceptions can start as early as kindergarten! Let’s dig into thinking around operations.
Place value is about more than the position of digits; it’s the foundation of our number system. This blog explores how we can help students think flexibly about numbers.
Tired of your kids plucking out the numbers and not reading the number story? Try numberless word problems.
Find out why number lines shouldn’t be used until 2nd grade and what to use instead.
Tips to create a math-rich environment in your elementary math classroom.
It’s that time of year. If you haven’t already heard people talking about end-of-the-year standardized tests and math test prep, those conversations will be picking up soon. The most common question I hear is “How can I get my kids ready for the test?” Today we’ll talk about some effective strategies to make sure your […]