Structures in Use


How to solve word problems with comparisons using the Compare SoE structure

The Compare structure helps students visualize the comparison relationship that occurs in some number stories. Find out how to use it.

A deep dive into the Parts Equal Total (PET) Structure

Parts Equal Total helps us model math stories that describe composing 2 or more parts to form a total. Learn how to introduce and use them.

A teacher’s journey to help students solve word problems

Meet Jasmin Nabors, a 4th grade teacher in Durham, NC. She’ll share her struggles and successes with SoE, along with a few tips.

The Standards for Mathematical Practice and SoE

We know that mathematically proficient students engage in the practice standards consistently. Learn how all 8 are embedded into SoE.

The Importance of Equality in Math

All Structures of Equality have 3 components: values, labels, and equality. Learn about the line of equality and why it’s important.

importance of equality

How to help students figure out what word problems are asking

Simple but not easy You’ve likely heard the saying nothing good comes without hard work. Last week, you were privy to a conversation with a 4th grade teacher who recently started implementing Structures of Equality (SoE) in her classroom. There was a point where she wanted to give up. Her students couldn’t figure out what word […]

Strategies to improve word problem understanding 

Structures of Equality takes the best of bar models and CGI and adds in a few key elements to help students visualize what is happening in story problems.

strategies to improve word problems

Comparison word problems can be tricky. But they don’t have to be.

Last week, you saw an example of how keywords can cause confusion when students are given a problem with a comparison situation. Today, you’ll see two word problem strategies side by side: CUBES and Structures of Equality (SoE). Look for 3 key things while you work your way through the strategies: First, let’s take a […]

Do keywords work? Avoid confusion with math story problems

Using keywords is a common strategy. While they seem like a helpful tip, they often add to the confusion.

Make Sense of Problems with Structures of Equality (SoE)

“Make sense of problems and persevere in solving them” is the first of the 8 Standards for Mathematical Practice. Comprehension of word problems is also one of the most baffling tasks for teachers and students. A Quick Refresher In the last couple weeks, we explored two structures: Parts Equal Total and Repeated Equal Groups. Parts […]

How to teach word problems in a way that students comprehend

I once heard a math teacher describe word problems as “the bane of her existence”. I completely understand that sentiment. Students don’t know what the problem is asking, choose random operations, or give up completely. That’s why I created Structures of Equality.  If you haven’t been following along, you’ll probably want to start with my […]

What is the best way to teach word problems?

There are so many word problem strategies to choose from. It can be confusing to figure out which ones to use or not use, and how to teach so students understand them. When I was in the classroom, I came across tons of tips and tricks, but they seemed to confuse my students more. Teaching […]

best way to teach word problems