Finding the main idea in math?

October 16, 2024

The missing link between reading and math

When we hear “find the main idea”, we often think of reading comprehension. Almost every grade level has a standard in English Language Arts (ELA) that addresses the main idea. It’s an important concept.

Like many concepts, one problem is that we often teach skills in isolation – from each other and other curriculum areas. This is especially true when it comes to math. 

I’ve always found this puzzling. When you ask math teachers what their kids struggle with the most, they quickly and easily answer – word problems. This was true for me when I was in the classroom too. When I realized that word problems are really stories, I had a bit of an aha moment. That means we have to understand the main idea to solve them effectively.

The start of Structures of Equality (SoE)

At the time, I leaned heavily on bar models and Cognitively Guided Instruction (CGI) but realized my kids could use these strategies and still did not truly understand what the problem was asking. I had to figure out a better way, one with a focus on reading comprehension. And that’s how SoE was born, a strategy that allows students to decode and comprehend word problems. Let me explain what I mean.

At the core of SoE is the math main idea. (If this is a new concept for you, I strongly encourage you to pause here and read the article before moving on.)

Why the math main idea matters

The math main idea is the missing piece that bridges the gap for students who struggle to comprehend what they are being asked to figure out in number stories. When students know how to find the math main idea, they can accurately draw a visual representation of what is occurring in the story.

The problem I found with bar models is students could accurately draw one without having comprehension. It’s impossible to draw a SoE without comprehension. This means when your students become proficient with them, you’ll know without a doubt they have the skills and ability to understand number stories.

The problem I found with CGI is there were so many problem types to remember. With SoE, there are only 3 possible main ideas. When your students can figure out which one matches the number story they’re working with, they automatically know which structure will help them make sense of their math story.

Sorting Activities for Math Main Idea

One of my favorite ways to help students understand the math main idea is by sorting number stories. In this video, I show you how to approach this activity with your class and where you can find free downloads to help you get started.


We’d never say it was okay if our students could read words in a book without understanding what they’re reading. I argue the same is true for math, especially when it comes to number stories. By integrating these strategies, you can help your students overcome their struggles with word problems. Remember, just as we wouldn’t expect our students to read without comprehension, we shouldn’t expect them to solve math problems without understanding the math main idea. Are you ready to give finding the math main idea a try?

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