Use student mistakes to your advantage. See why wrong answers in math are a starting point for deeper understanding and sense-making.
Word problems and geometry might seem unrelated, but with the Parts Equal Total (PET) structure, students can bridge the gap.
If students can’t explain why a tip or trick works, they shouldn’t use it. Learn why and what to do instead.
Math misconceptions can start as early as kindergarten! Let’s dig into thinking around operations.
The main idea is as critical in math as it is in literacy. And it’s a key component of Structures of Equality.
Find out why formative assessment is important and how to use them effectively in your math classroom.
Every wonder why teaching estimation is important? Learn how estimation and number sense go hand in hand.
Place value is about more than the position of digits; it’s the foundation of our number system. This blog explores how we can help students think flexibly about numbers.
Zero may seem like nothing but it has a big job to do, especially when it comes to place value.
Learn how to create a classroom filled with excitement around math, one where kids are eager to share and talk about their ideas.
Tired of your kids plucking out the numbers and not reading the number story? Try numberless word problems.
Find out why number lines shouldn’t be used until 2nd grade and what to use instead.