Structures in Use


Accuracy in visual math representations

Accuracy in visual math representations helps students understand the relationships between quantities. When should you hold students accountable?

Deepening understanding through context

Discover how using real-world contexts, structured discussions, and visual models can help students develop a deeper understanding of math concepts

Parts Equal Total structure as a Geometry Tool

Word problems and geometry might seem unrelated, but with the Parts Equal Total (PET) structure, students can bridge the gap.

Finding the main idea in math?

The main idea is as critical in math as it is in literacy. And it’s a key component of Structures of Equality.

Catch Math Misconceptions Early with Formative

Find out why formative assessment is important and how to use them effectively in your math classroom.

Numberless word problems: what, why, and how

Tired of your kids plucking out the numbers and not reading the number story? Try numberless word problems.

Using bar models to support students with solving number stories

Watch Valerie Faulkner connect what students know about composing and decomposing numbers to solve with a Parts Equal Total (PET) structure.

Teaching fractions in number stories: a double Achilles heel

Number stories and fractions can both be challening concepts for students to grasp. With SoE, we can scaffold to support comprehension and make difficult tasks much easier.

CRA and SoE: how to teach story problems

The Concrete Representational Abstract (CRA) approach in mathematics allows all students to access content and gain deep understanding. Given that many students struggle with comprehension, particularly in number stories, let’s explore how to teach story problems using CRA. One reason students are successful when they use Structures of Equality is because it effectively integrates all […]

Teaching fewer in math: sense-making with visual representations

The idea of fewer is a difficult concept to understand. There are lots of reasons why, like you can’t actually see fewer. No wonder it’s a challenging idea for students!

Tales of a Fourth Grade Teacher: Using SoE to Help Students with Math Number Stories

Jasmin, a 4th grade teacher from Durham, NC, shares the highs and lows with implementing Structures of Equality in her classroom. You don’t want to miss this interview.

Do your ELL students struggle with reading comprehension?

Comprehending number stories can be challenging. For students who are ELL, there’s an added layer of difficulty. But there are strategies that help.