Instructional Practices


Catch Math Misconceptions Early with Formative

Find out why formative assessment is important and how to use them effectively in your math classroom.

Math talk moves: how to build a discussion-rich classroom

Learn how to create a classroom filled with excitement around math, one where kids are eager to share and talk about their ideas.

Numberless word problems: what, why, and how

Tired of your kids plucking out the numbers and not reading the number story? Try numberless word problems.

Wondering how to help your child with math at home?

A resource for teachers and caregivers: how to help with math at home

How to create a math word wall: best practices

Make vocabulary accessible to your students with a math word wall.

How to create a math-rich environment (and why it matters)

Tips to create a math-rich environment in your elementary math classroom.

alt tag: a basket with snap cubes inside, labeled with the word "snap cubes" on the outside and an image of the contents

Understanding the CRA framework in early math

What is CRA and what does it look like in early math classrooms? Explore best practices for this approach.

Venn diagram of the concrete, representational, and abstract stages of the CRA framework in math

How to solve a story problem by acting it out and using models

The idea of acting out a story problem is probably not new to you. For years, I’ve heard people say “Act it out.” But no one ever told me how to solve a story problem this way. Today, we’ll talk about how to use this strategy effectively and how to connect it to the use […]

Math test prep: how can I get my kids ready for the test?

It’s that time of year. If you haven’t already heard people talking about end-of-the-year standardized tests and math test prep, those conversations will be picking up soon. The most common question I hear is “How can I get my kids ready for the test?” Today we’ll talk about some effective strategies to make sure your […]

Navigating critical learning phases and their impact on solving word problems

Before we ever ask students to solve number stories, there are foundational skills they should have. The critical learning phases can help us identify when they’re ready.

What is the difference between arithmetic and mathematics?

Math and arithmetic are often used interchangeably. But there’s a difference between arithmetic and mathematics. And it impacts our practices in the classroom.

Do your ELL students struggle with reading comprehension?

Comprehending number stories can be challenging. For students who are ELL, there’s an added layer of difficulty. But there are strategies that help.