Instructional Practices


Accuracy in visual math representations

Accuracy in visual math representations helps students understand the relationships between quantities. When should you hold students accountable?

Making Math Accessible for Multilingual (and all) Learners

Learn strategies to support multilingual learners in math by building on prior knowledge, fostering discussion-rich classrooms, and making vocabulary accessible.

Composing and Decomposing Numbers in K-3 Math

Teaching K-3 students how to compose and decompose numbers sets the foundation for more complex math. Learn how to use manipulatives, visual representations, and real-life examples to make these concepts stick.

Why this 1st-grade teacher is all in on Structures of Equality

Struggling to help students with word problems? 1st-grade teacher Matt Spirakus shares how Structures of Equality transformed his approach.

Math misconceptions: incorrect responses as a teaching tool

Use student mistakes to your advantage. See why wrong answers in math are a starting point for deeper understanding and sense-making.

Why tips and tricks don’t work in math

If students can’t explain why a tip or trick works, they shouldn’t use it. Learn why and what to do instead.

Catch Math Misconceptions Early with Formative

Find out why formative assessment is important and how to use them effectively in your math classroom.

Math talk moves: how to build a discussion-rich classroom

Learn how to create a classroom filled with excitement around math, one where kids are eager to share and talk about their ideas.

Numberless word problems: what, why, and how

Tired of your kids plucking out the numbers and not reading the number story? Try numberless word problems.

Wondering how to help your child with math at home?

A resource for teachers and caregivers: how to help with math at home

How to create a math word wall: best practices

Make vocabulary accessible to your students with a math word wall.

How to create a math-rich environment (and why it matters)

Tips to create a math-rich environment in your elementary math classroom.

alt tag: a basket with snap cubes inside, labeled with the word "snap cubes" on the outside and an image of the contents